Friday, September 05, 2008

Do you?

Well, it’s been an interesting year for the abortion debate. There were attempts to change the law in the UK in the summer and now Sarah Palin has stepped into the arena in the US. As ever, my own opinions regarding the ‘rights and wrongs’ (inverted commas deliberate) of abortion are not something I feel comfortable commenting about online and, as ever, it amazes me that people can see it as a black and white issue anyway: even if you personally feel very strongly that abortion either is or isn’t ok, it doesn’t mean that it has become a simple issue.

Anyway, my goat was slightly got today when watching a Youtube video of a preacher saying that abortion is wrong because God started creating life at conception and you just can’t cut across God when he is knitting life together. Fine, but why can’t you cut across God when he’s giving life? I’m not saying you should/shouldn’t but that statement isn’t logical; it’s just a given for lots of people.

I think all I’m saying is that I wish we could have debates about the big stuff in life without there being givens. It’s hard to shed worldviews, probably impossible really. But it might make for fuller discussion.

Well I’m just off to try and shed my Western worldview that logic matters. I assume Sarah Palin has already done so as she is apparently pro-life and pro-death penalty…unless, that is, she doesn’t use the sanctity of life argument when she has her anti-abortion hat on. I don’t know.