Friday, August 31, 2007

Back to school

It's time.

It's been a good holiday though. Lovely friends and good things to do. I know I'll feel differently about this when I'm 80 but I like how life's flying by at the moment. It's more interesting this way. Bad things are over and done with and good things are always round the corner.

I'm breezy...

Me, my sister and my brother at his wedding:

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Put into practise/Put into practice?

I think it's 'c' because I think it means that you take a theory and put it into your practice*. But for some reason (that I can't remember now) I remain unconvinced.

Tell me the answer.

*A little grammar thought to keep you going...if you are choosing between 'c' and 's', you might need to work out whether the word in question is a noun or a verb. Nouns (naming words) = 'c', verbs (doing/being words) = 's':
Noun: Do your piano practice! Why won't you just take my advice? This is my driving licence.
Verb: Just practise the song, now! Why won't you let me advise you? I am licensed to drive.

Did I already do that grammar thought? Oh well, if I did, at least it's in context in this post.


We went to Julie and Andy's and then to my Grandparents'. It was all good. I would post a picture of Julie and Andy's baby but I'm not too sure if it's ok to post pictures of other people's kids...unless they say it is, of course. Although, what about the kid's opinion later on? I don't know. So instead I'll post a picture of Cornwall which is where they live. Here:Now, the other thing was a grammar question. But I've forgotten which one it was. Something about an apostrophe somewhere or some sort of subject-verb agreement or something. I'll have a think.