Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Put into practise/Put into practice?

I think it's 'c' because I think it means that you take a theory and put it into your practice*. But for some reason (that I can't remember now) I remain unconvinced.

Tell me the answer.

*A little grammar thought to keep you going...if you are choosing between 'c' and 's', you might need to work out whether the word in question is a noun or a verb. Nouns (naming words) = 'c', verbs (doing/being words) = 's':
Noun: Do your piano practice! Why won't you just take my advice? This is my driving licence.
Verb: Just practise the song, now! Why won't you let me advise you? I am licensed to drive.

Did I already do that grammar thought? Oh well, if I did, at least it's in context in this post.


tobiwan said...

I think that's actually

"I iz licinzd to drives"

Or something like that.