Friday, September 29, 2006

The small people

I had such a funny dream the other day. I actually woke up laughing to myself. It goes like this...

I was in my classroom and I got an email asking me to send all the small people down to the hall. I sent them down then wondered what they were doing so I went in to have a look. They were all sitting on chairs, swinging their legs because they were too small. I went and looked at the questionnaires they were filling in and they had questions like:

"When it's windy, do you get blown over?"
"Does this interfere with your learning?"

How funny! Even funnier that my mind made all that up. Once, in a dream, my mind made up a four or five page long booklet all about birds and I read it word for word. I don't even know anything about birds!


Posh Hermit said...

My mum and I once heard my brother Matt laughing in his sleep. We asked him what he was laughing about and he said, "someone wants to pay me to take my nostrils out".