Tuesday, October 24, 2006

A non-eventful day

Here's a picture of my Dad being a lizard. It was a funny evening:

In a little bit we are going to go and see my Mum and Dad for a cup of tea. And that will be the most eventful thing that has happened all day. Toby has been working on some little designs and I have been finishing The Constant Gardener. Which was good. But in some ways I wish it had a cheesy ending where you get to read about justice being served to all the villains.

Tomorrow, my sister is coming round and we are going to watch the whole of series four of Scrubs. I think. Although I have to do some work, having not done it last week. When I was writing my dissertation, I realised that it was going to come together at the last minute so I should enjoy the times when I wasn't writing, free of guilt. Then I went on a course in June this year where they said that if you're a last minute person, you always will be, so just plan to have time and energy available at the last minute. It's a nice thing to realise. So I'm feeling very un-guilty about having done nice things on holiday so far and I feel much better about actually doing the work itself.