Sunday, March 11, 2007

I'm gonna start blogging again

I was provoked by something I wrote on Toby's blog to write a post of my own again but I can't remember what...

Oh now I do.

Before you read on, please know that I'm not even beginning to criticise gay people in this post, rather some Christian speakers - happily no one from the church that I am a part of.

I honestly don't know what God's opinion regarding homosexuality is. Some people think they do. Some of them harp on about it without knowing what they're talking about, others have done lots of thinking and research.

Either way, it drives me round the bend when people publicly say things in church meetings that berate the gay community.* Often this comes either in the form of seemingly harmless jokes that we've all got used to or huge statements like, "Let's stand together against homosexuality." Imagine being a gay person visiting the church any time something along those lines was said.

Unless an issue in someone's life (any issue) is brought up with enough tenderness to see that person through the pain of dealing with it, s/he is being failed. Most preachers would make an effort to be tender if they were actually trying to speak into people's lifestyles through their sermons. Homosexuality, though, often seems to be treated as a political issue** (instead of as a personal issue) and fought with the same venom.

People's sexuality is intensely personal and should be broached with the utmost of care. Not joked about or battled against.

*And, for that matter, other religious communities. I think most of what I'm saying applies there as well.

**Another tricky topic: Church meets Politics. A treacle tin of tension.


tobiwan said...

Good post womanface.

And "treacle tin of tension" is a nifty piece of alliteration to boot.

All in all a welcome return to blogging. More please.

Anonymous said...

"From what the Bible says, God does not like homosexual acts."

The bible says much that is both controversial and inconsistent with accepted moral values. It advocates genocide of non Jews and and the death penalty for adultery. While I don't condone the act, I feel that stoning is a little harsh.

O.K., working on the Sabbath certainly warrants death.

I feel a little sorry for poor old Lot's wife who committed the ultimate sin of turning round and looking at the destruction of Sodom and was promptly, quite rightly, executing for disobeying an instruction. (She was only a woman after all)

I'm afraid that literal acceptance of the Bible's text is not a sound basis for a Christian's faith.

El said...

Just noticed your comment, anonymous...I actually agree with you that literal acceptance of the (translated) text of the Bible leaves something to be desired and I am about to ammend my post to make it more obvious that I'm not certain about God's actual view of homosexuality - how arrogant that would be! Perhaps I sounded a lot more certain than I am about that one - I guess it wasn't the main point of the post so I didn't take much care with it but in doing so undermined my main point!

I apologise for offending anyone if I did so - careless and not the plan at all (in fact, the opposite of the plan).

Thanks for the comment. I think I'm with you on all those things and I enjoyed your ironic tone!

Whilst respecting your right to remain anonymous it would be cool to know who you are...