Thursday, October 11, 2007

I know I do


What a busy time recently. I'm really enjoying my job. Which is making me work harder. But I think I might be feeling a bit stressed underneath it all. Do you ever get that slight feeling that perhaps you're just, but only just, keeping it all together? I think perhaps everyone does but the difference is that some people ignore that feeling and some people embrace it. Not sure which is better. Madness intrigues me because I sometimes think mad people are just closer to reality or a sense of themselves than everyone else. Are the rest of us missing out?!

Don't worry, I'm not belittling mental illness. I know it's real and horrific.

Toby has put Radiohead on repeat because he figured I wouldn't notice and therefore wouldn't complain. Which I didn't. Though wouldn't have complained anyway because I'm enjoying it. A shock for y'all there.